Contact information and social media

Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments, corrections, article requests or commissions at [email protected].
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Selected photos and announcements.
With the decline of Twitter, much of the cartographic community has migrated to Mastodon. This social media platform is “decentralised”, similar to email: each user belongs to a specific domain, but can communicate with users on any domain. I belong to the Mapstodon domain, which, as the name suggests, is for people interested in maps. My account is @[email protected]. Since Mastodon is not owned by anybody, it doesn’t have adverts or recommendation algorithms. Some users have created lists of cartography-related accounts to follow, which you can easily import: I used Florian Ledermann’s list and Jorge Sanz’s list.
The same photos and announcements as on Instagram.
Sharing maps and photos.
Computer code used for making maps and charts.