Legal information


A photograph of Harry Kuril hiking on a path with many warning signs ahead. I publish the articles and photos on this website under a CC-BY-4.0 license. This means you are welcome to re-use, adapt and distribute the website content, but you must include attribution to me, Harry Kuril.

This website’s fonts and some of its CSS code come from the Tufte CSS project, which is under an MIT License. Therefore, if you use the fonts or CSS code from this website, you must include the MIT License in your project.

Safety disclaimer

Hiking, cartography and especially computer programming can be harmful. I will not accept responsibility for mishaps arising during activies related to articles on this website.

This site has links to products which I recommend. In some cases, these links are ‘affiliate links’, which means I receive a small payment if somebody clicks on the link and makes a purchase. On this site, affiliate links are displayed like this: example affiliate link. Buying a product through an affiliate link does not increase the price for you (in fact, sometimes there are discounts). Regarding privacy, the merchant will know that you reached their website via my affiliate link.

Not all of my recommendations are affiliate links; ordinary links look like this: example non-affiliate link.

Buying something you need through via my affiliate links is a good way to support this website; it helps to pay for hosting (including a separate hosting bill for interactive maps), and should allow me to keep all the content free, and to spend more time creating new articles. I only recommend products and services which I use myself.